Kerrisa's Bio

Kerrisa's bio: I have always loved design. Whether it was in fashion or home decor it's always been a passion of mine. I am 31 and have been a SAHM for the past 8 years. I have been married to my husband for 10 years and we have two very crazy little boys 8 and 4. My husband and I recently bought our first home which has been a little bit of a fixer upper. We have done all of the renovations ourselves and with one kiddo in school full time and the other starting preschool part time I find myself with lots of projects around my home that I love doing! When Amy and I met almost 9 years ago we bonded over being first time mom's that has turned into a life long friendship. This girl's go getter attitude is second to none! She definitely motivates me on the daily which you will see in Amy’s Motivational Moment.


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