
How To Make a Couch Bar in 10 Easy Steps!

How to make a couch bar in 10 easy steps! Step 1 : Determine how long and tall you want your couch bar based on the size of your couch.  This couch bar is 9ft long by 30inches high (33inches including the iron rail) Step 2 : Go shopping for supplies.  All wood and pipe available at Home Depot. (Don't be afraid to lay it all out on the floor and put it together to make sure you have all the pieces)  All paint supplies available at Lowe's Step 3 : Have Home Depot Cut 12ft wood planks to desired length (my bar is 9ft.)  Make sure the 3 excess wood pieces (36inches each) are cut down to 16 inches.   If you want your table to have tighter seems (so crumbs don't get caught down in), have wood planks planed to cut off rounded edges. Step 4 : Screw together wood top by assembling up side down.  See you tube video for example.... link here Step 5 : Sand Wood to remove rough spots and edges. Wipe off saw dust Step 6 : Stain Wood *see coat rack vi...

Amy's Bio

Amy bio:  My brain has always been wired a bit differently to creatively think outside the box in the most frugal and efficient ways.  I am a spunky 34 year old stay at home mom who just sent the littlest to kindergarten.  I have been married 10 years with a 7yr old girl and 6yr old boy.  We also have been blessed with 4 bonus teens who have lived with us over the last four years. .  We live on 10 acre farm that we were elated to get as a foreclosure 2 years ago.  With no kids at home during the day I have a list ten miles long to fix up our house.  Being a Dave Ramsey fan we dont have an envelope of extra cash to just pay someone to do it and for me to go out and buy decorations so I try to figure out how to do it all myself.  Also, my husband travels alot so I cant chicken out and make him do it for me.   I had no skills whatsoever just a drive to research how to do something and a lack of fear dive in and try. I’ve definelty had m...

Kerrisa's Bio

Kerrisa's bio: I have always loved design. Whether it was in fashion or home decor it's always been a passion of mine. I am 31 and have been a SAHM for the past 8 years. I have been married to my husband for 10 years and we have two very crazy little boys 8 and 4. My husband and I recently bought our first home which has been a little bit of a fixer upper. We have done all of the renovations ourselves and with one kiddo in school full time and the other starting preschool part time I find myself with lots of projects around my home that I love doing! When Amy and I met almost 9 years ago we bonded over being first time mom's that has turned into a life long friendship. This girl's go getter attitude is second to none! She definitely motivates me on the daily which you will see in Amy’s Motivational Moment.