How To Make a Couch Bar in 10 Easy Steps!
How to make a couch bar in 10 easy steps! Step 1 : Determine how long and tall you want your couch bar based on the size of your couch. This couch bar is 9ft long by 30inches high (33inches including the iron rail) Step 2 : Go shopping for supplies. All wood and pipe available at Home Depot. (Don't be afraid to lay it all out on the floor and put it together to make sure you have all the pieces) All paint supplies available at Lowe's Step 3 : Have Home Depot Cut 12ft wood planks to desired length (my bar is 9ft.) Make sure the 3 excess wood pieces (36inches each) are cut down to 16 inches. If you want your table to have tighter seems (so crumbs don't get caught down in), have wood planks planed to cut off rounded edges. Step 4 : Screw together wood top by assembling up side down. See you tube video for example.... link here Step 5 : Sand Wood to remove rough spots and edges. Wipe off saw dust Step 6 : Stain Wood *see coat rack vi...